The best photos - The photo magazine
A photo magazine from you for you
Your own photo in a professional photo magazine, that's not possible?
But now, because this photo magazine is about you and your best photos. Here you have the opportunity to present your best photo to a wider audience and at the same time draw attention to yourself and help other photographers discover great photo spots and try out new perspectives. So this is a magazine from photographer to photographer.

What requirements do you have to meet?
In any case, you must be the author of the photo you send. So you must have pulled the trigger. Whether it was your own camera doesn't matter.
What area can the photo be from?
Landscape, street, nature, animals, sports, vehicles, food, studio
(Please respect personal rights)

What requirements does your photo have to meet?
Your photo should be finally edited, in JPG format and in the best resolution. The photo should not contain any watermarks, as this has a significant negative impact on the image's impact, especially in print media.
Your photo should contain the original EXIF information.
You can send photos up to 50 MB in size. So don't worry, you don't have to compress anything.
Help other photographers take better photos and find interesting new perspectives.
If possible, share the exact location where the photo was taken, preferably in the form of Google coordinates.
If your photo is published, you will of course not only be informed, but you will also receive a free copy with your photo delivered to your door.